This whole thing is new to me, so please bear with me. I figured I would start a blog so far away family could peek in every now and then. It's rare for me to find the time to concentrate on the computer without little hands trying to touch every button they can find. This little boy just loves everything technological. He can turn our phones on and off and even make them do things we didn't know they could do. Watch out for your cameras too. The first picture is of Jake playing around in the back yard. Lately he's been running around in circles chanting "happy, happy, happy,...". Speaking of happy, he does the same thing in the mornings when he wakes up. I enter his room and there he is hanging on to the rails of his crib bouncing up and down and chanting happy. I swear we got so lucky with this one. Most of the time he is in such a good mood. He must get that from me.
This is a picture of Kristi enjoying her time with Jake before she left for China. Yes, she's there and it appears from her blog that she's having a good time. I think she comes home at the beginning of July. Just in time for our trip to Georgia where we're renting a cabin for the first time. Usually we stay with Dad and Kathy but they are going to have a very full house. All the kids will be with them, sort of an immediate family reunion. I can't wait. I wonder how different Jake will look to Kristi when she gets back from China. Five months is a long time to a two year old.
The last picture is of Tara and Jake right before his Second birthday. They were playing on his clubhouse that he got for his birthday from Mommy and Daddy. He just loves to be outside. That must come from Grandpa Maes. Tara will be graduating in April from BYU. She's still up there and deciding if she will continue in school or not.
Jake and I are headed off to Washington state to visit mom and Sam tomorrow. We'll be there about a week. I think Nanna and Poppy are more excited than I am. Maybe that's because I'll be flying solo with Jake. Diaper bag, check. Car seat, check. Umbrella stroller, check. Copy of ticketless travel itinerary, check. Sanity, .....